Spark 4

Shamir Spark 4 is a sophisticated electro-optic system which enables fast and accurate measurements of the frame on the patient's face.  Using AI based machine learning, Spark 4 allows us to get a complete picture of our patient by deducing 192 of their facial landmarks.  The four cameras in the Spark 4 obtain accurate pupillary distance measurements and "as worn" frame fitting specifications to generate optimal fitting results.  The newest technology is part of the Occhiali experience.

Hayley Fedders

Hey there, Iā€™m Hayley Fedders, the founder of Studio Seaside. I started my own business because I want to maintain a healthy work schedule that honors my family life. Iā€™m passionate about helping other creative entrepreneurs achieve their work-life balance through smart and simplified online business solutions.

Steve McQueen